Monday, January 11, 2010


i am usually very apprehensive when it comes to group projects. i don't know if i get along well with group members, if the group members are committed, etc. etc. everyone is worried about stuff like this when group projects come along.

and i'm happy to have wendy, zk, and lyndy as my groupmates. in fact, i count myself FORTUNATE~!!!!

each one of my group mates are very hardworking. they never back down from delegated tasks, they attend group meetings and give their all, they take initiatives, and they complete all their tasks to the best they can! i really salute their dedication and diligence.

thank you zk for being our very patient group mate, and for always volunteering to do stuff. you've contributed a lot of ideas and a lot of effort into this project. thanks also for always informing me about group meeting times and places!

thank you wendy for your valuable idea contribution. it's great to have someone so full of ideas! and your co-ordinating skills are very important to our group. you've always been a very very caring group mate!

thank you lyndy for working so hard on our project even though you've fallen sick several times during the duration of this project. i hope you don't resort to paracetamol next time though! your skills and experience has helped us a lot, and we've definitely learned a lot from you.

i want to apologize to all of you for my absence during the first week of the project and not being able to participate in the brainstorming and idea development. sorry, and thanks for being so wonderfully understanding and caring!

thanks mr sean for being incredibly encouraging, and for guiding us in this project. you have always been very committed and interested in our progress. we are all very very thankful for that!

i had a great time guys, thanks.

Friday, January 8, 2010

of chicken and stars

after tutorial with mista sean in the morning, group D went to the new kfc outlet at cp for lunch with jack and charlene. after a very oily and unhealthy meal (i can imagine mista sean nodding his head to this) we wanted to find a good place to discuss work. someone mentioned starbucks. 0_0 ...wah rich kids ah, you all! haha...

charlene didnt join us, but jack had his first starbucks drink. atta boy. hahaha...jack stayed on to gossip with us and chat about our respective group project progress. topics range from gd club to degrees and masters to titanic to adam lambert's gayness. no offense to gays. i love em.

after delegating work for the day, we finally heaved our flattened ass off the chairs and headed home (lyndy headed to work, poor thing).

splendid bonding time. hahahahah

in desperate need of a nap. so im saying good nite, world, at 5:24pm.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Concept Board

Wendy, here it is:

Summing up the Concept

Mood: Minimalistic, Sophisticated, Clean and Fresh!
Technique/Style: Doodles, Scrapbook feel
Audience: Youth/Young Adults of Kuala Lumpur
Message: Get to know Kuala Lumpur citizens by looking at their cups!


People just HAVE to prove their love for each other in every way thinkable. Unfortunately, I had to be involved in this mushy affair. I, and another of my kind, are painted with matching heart shapes. Many a night my mate and I had to endure excruciating exchanges of lovey-dovey mush between our owners!

(haha this sounds quite cynical, unlike how proud other cups sound about their roles for their owners, this cup sounds exasperated with it's job!)